
Anorak News | Orthodox Jews Sell The Magic Marijuana Rub In Oaksterdam University

Orthodox Jews Sell The Magic Marijuana Rub In Oaksterdam University

by | 2nd, November 2010

IN Berkeley, California, by Oaksterdam University cannabis trade school Orthodox Jews at Doc Green’s store are selling a cannabis salve for eczema and muscle aches created by their faith.

Says Eliezer “Sticky” Green, who created the company with Ramona Rubin and Daniel Kosmal:

“As a Jew, it’s about the power to be able to heal people. I want to go to nursing homes and rub down 85-year-olds who voted for Republicans and hated pot.”

You want an endorsement? Says Green’s 68-year-old mother, Margie:

“I’ve used it for cramps in my leg, and it goes away. The vanilla smells like plastic. The lavender is much better.”

Everyone’s a critic…

Spotter: Tablet Mag

Posted: 2nd, November 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink