
Anorak News | Kim Jong-Il’s Many Names And Anti-US Propaganda Posters

Kim Jong-Il’s Many Names And Anti-US Propaganda Posters

by | 4th, November 2010

NORTH Korea is not a confident country. Before a collection of North Korean propaganda posters that all the US to be bloodthirsty sadists, a look at Wikipedia’s list of all the titles Supreme Bouffant Kim Jong-il has garnered:

Superior Person
Sun of Communist Future
Highest Incarnation of the Revolutionary Comradely Love
Beloved and Respected General
Invincible and Iron-Willed Commander
World’s Leader of The 21st century
Glorious General, Who Descended From Heaven

(Spotter: @matthiasrascher; via Kottke)


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Posted: 4th, November 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink