
Anorak News | Independent Uses Two Pages To Says Nation Could ‘Not Care Less’ About Prince William And Kate Middleton

Independent Uses Two Pages To Says Nation Could ‘Not Care Less’ About Prince William And Kate Middleton

by | 1st, December 2010

WIDDLETON: The very first story you read in the Independent i paper is that one third of Britons “couldn’t care less” about Prince William and Kate Middleton’s marriage.

The full report cover most of page 6. Again readers are reminded:

“William and Kate getting married? Indifferent nation couldn’t care less.”

This news is brought to you by Andrew Grice, the paper’s…“Political Editor”. If only he had something else to write about, eh, readers…


Image 3 of 23

Kate Middleton is seen leaving Whiskey Mist with her sister after a night out.

Posted: 1st, December 2010 | In: Royal Family Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink