
Anorak News | The Andrex Puppy Is Dead: Dead Dog Is New Wispa

The Andrex Puppy Is Dead: Dead Dog Is New Wispa

by | 2nd, December 2010

THE Andrex puppy is dead. He’s been put to sleep and replaced by a CGI virtual dog.

This new dog poos and wees on the old one. This CGI dog can work a PC and bake a cake.

A spokesperson for Kimberly Clark explains:

“We really believe we’ve given him a new lease of life and have evolved his character.”

All utter nonsense, of course. This is a Wispa campaign aimed at making us clamour for the old flesh and stink dog. Only ask yourself this: can you wipe your backside with a virtual dog?

Posted: 2nd, December 2010 | In: The Consumer Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink