Grace Petrie – Emily Davison Blues: The Alfie Meadows Kettle Drums
GRACE Petrie sings the Emily Davison Blues. It’s angst music for students fees.
“When no-one’s listening only violence makes the news.”
She’s right.
The police never listen. They can’t. They don’t know how. Now, some want to kettle the police, to teach the remedial rozzers a lesson:
“The spectacle of brute, armed force marshalled against the young and innocent holds up an unflattering mirror to the society that condones it.”
Here’s a video of cerebral palsy sufferer Jody McIntyre being pulled from his wheelchair at the student. Our favourite part is when the coppers pull their man back into the crowd of uniforms, where he will be lost and his identity concealed. Still, we can’t complain the police are prejudiced:
Meanwhile, Alfie Meadows is the subject of a new protest:
Posted: 14th, December 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink