
Anorak News | Royal Family Christmas Photos: Prince Edward Gets Useful

Royal Family Christmas Photos: Prince Edward Gets Useful

by | 26th, December 2010

SO. There they were, the Earl and Countess of Wessex – the Weed In Tweed and the former topless stunna. You can wait an entire year to see Eddie. And then, as if by magic, he’s there. It was the Christmas Day service at St Mary Magdalene Church, on the royal estate at Sandringham in Norfolk. Sophie Wessex wore a small plum duff on her head, which due to the hot lights of the photographers flashbulbs, began to slide. But no worries. Eddie, armed with his trademark silver spoon, would step in to avert disaster…


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Princess Eugenie attends St Mary Magdalene Church, on the royal estate in Sandringham, Norfolk for the Christmas Day church service.

Posted: 26th, December 2010 | In: Royal Family Comment | TrackBack | Permalink