Can Oprah Winfrey Defeat Donald Trump’s Hair?
OPRAH Winfrey wants to let loose her team of stylists on Donald Trump. If he consents to the treatment, we may finally get to see what Trump keeps under his Tidal Wave of hair; that “sunken apricot soufflé“; that UNESCO site of special scientific interest.
Anorak has long suspected that the Trump fringe is maintained by a trained midget gibbon sat on tiny rocking horse.
Page 6 reports:
“Oprah” producers also vowed to treat Trump’s makeover with “integrity” and “not let it become a joke or silly.”
It’s not easy to make a new joke of Trump’s hair, and even Oprah won’t try.
Back in 2007, Vince McMahon tried to get his hands on Trump’s crowning glory. There was a fight on WWW-WTF. The winner loser would get his head shaved. McMahon lost.
Trump’s hair lived on to fight another day. Now Oprah steps forward to issue the challenge. Will Trump yield? Will we get to see the monkey..?
Posted: 30th, March 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink