Keela The Sniffer Dog Earns More Than Chief Constable of South Yorkshire
DID you know that police sniffer dog Keela is earning more money then that Chief Constable of South Yorkshire, Med Hughes, from being hired out to other forces?
Some coincidence that this news should appear on the very day the media is full of Madeleine McCann and how sniffer dogs are fallible (more)…
Spotter: Karen
Old news rehashed, of course. As the Sun told us in 2005:
BRITAIN’S most amazing police dog can earn more than her chief constable.
Springer spaniel Keela is so smart she is hired by other forces for £530 a day ? plus expenses.
That is a rate of £200,000 a year, compared to the £129,963 paid to South Yorkshire’s top cop Med Hughes.
Med has manged to muddle along…
Posted: 9th, May 2011 | In: Madeleine McCann Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink