The Real Killers Of Gulistan Subasi Go Free
YOU want to read a story that really shocks? Then, you want to read the tale of Santre Sanchez Gayle, the 15-year-old who shot dead Gulistan Subasi at the flat she was staying at in Hackney, east London.
He was paid £200 to murder the 26-year-old.
Gayle was chosen for the job because he had no connection with the victim, nor with the Turkish community.
Gayle was chosen because Izak Billy, 22, knew that for £200 he would murder.
Gayle, now 16, murdered Subahsi with a sawn-off shotgun. He is expected to get a minimum of 20 years in jail. Billy will serve a minimum of 22 years.
Judge Stephen Kramer told Billy and Gayle:
“You were an easily led, immature youngster, who, if money was involved, was capable of violence out of loyalty, having cynically been used by others. You shot and killed Gulistan for money, and at the bidding of an older man who you were trying to impress.”
They are guilty of murder. But so too is the person who hired them. We do not know who that person is. So. The assassination of a young woman went to plan. The young black killer does the time. The woman dies. And the person or persons who put a price on her head are free.
Posted: 25th, May 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink