
Anorak News | David Hasselhoff’s Sofa Bed News Of The Day: With Louis Spence And Gary Barlow

David Hasselhoff’s Sofa Bed News Of The Day: With Louis Spence And Gary Barlow

by | 27th, May 2011

LOUIS Spence, the tush and teefs star of TV’s Pineapple Dance Studios, shares with heat readers news of his meeting with David Hasselhoff, the torso and teefs star of Baywatch and lately Britain’s Got Talent. When starring together in panto, The Hoff presented La Spence with a Christmas gift bag containing: “A David Hasselhoff bag, Hasselhoff CD, Hasselhoff calendar and signed Hasselhoff picture.”

Anorak suggests this might not be all about self-promotion and vanity running unchecked, but a cultural thing. Americans love to give photos of themselves. Every year, Anorak receives Christmas cards from American readers and friends bearing their images. The robin on a log is usurped by someone you hardly if ever see beaming with their family. Often, they are on a beach or at a swanky hotel.

This theory is supported by Spence revealing that Gary Barlow gave him “a blue sofa bed”. No, not with a blow-up of Gary secreted in the folds. It was just a plain blue sofa bed. That’s the kind of gift you want.

Although don’t tell The Hoff – he’ll only sign it and command you to never smooth out the indent left by his noble arse…

Posted: 27th, May 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink