
Anorak News | RIP Brian Haw: A Life In Photos

RIP Brian Haw: A Life In Photos

by | 19th, June 2011

RIP Brian Haw. He began his round-the-clock protest opposite the Houses of Parliament, London, on June 2, 2001. He died from lung cancer yesterday. As he said:

β€œOn June 2 2001, the police came along and said: ‘How long you going to be here, Brian?’ I said: ‘As long as it takes.’”

He said Tony Blair was a liar over the war in Iraq. He said Tony Blair was liar through a Tannoy outside the Houses of Parliament. Tony Blair never responded in person. But the police and the council did try to move Mr Haw on. Tony Blair left office under his own steam and became a peace envoy.


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A tribute is placed at the camp set up by veteran anti-war campaigner Brian Haw in Parliament Square, central London, who has died aged 62.

Posted: 19th, June 2011 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink