Who Killed Owen Wightman In Wakefield?
WHO killed Owen Wightman? Who killed six-year-old Owen Wightman when they hit him in a car in Wakefield?
Says his mother, Joanne Wightman:
“Owen was playing with his best friend, Mason Boardman. They had gone to call for another friend. A car has come and hit Owen as he was crossing the road. A woman who was passing saw Mason and then brought him to us to let us know what had happened. Mason said a car had come zooming down the hill and it hit Owen in to the air and knocked his shoes off. Mason said that the car just drove off straight away.”
And then the unbreable emotion form his father Neil:
Mr Wightman said: “I got there and I went over to Owen and I was holding him and talking to him. I was holding his hand and saying ‘Owen, if you can hear me, please don’t leave us. I love you so much, you’re my little soldier.’ But when I looked at his face I knew really that he was gone. I knew from that blank look that we had lost him. There were lots of people around Owen and I assumed that one of them was the one who had hit him. When I was told that the driver had driven off I couldn’t believe it. I thought ‘how can someone do that to my baby?’”
Who did it? Well:
Detective Chief Inspector Simon Bottomley said: “At this stage we believe the driver was a young, white male and the vehicle is likely to have front end damage from the collision.”
Sad news. How long before a member of the commentariat blames the parents for letting a child be in the road..?
Spotter: Karen
Posted: 20th, June 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink