SOAS Linked To Islamic Extremist And Saudi Arabian Government: Buying Influence?
THE School of Oriental and African Studies in London has received £755,000 from the Saudi Arabian Royal family. Saudi Arabia is a less than enlighted place. For instance, at the King Fahd Academy in Acton – owned, funded and run by the government of Saudi Arabia – textbooks refer to Jews as “apes” and Christians as “pigs“.
HRH Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the UK, says those allegations against the school are “wrongful“.
Student Rights has more. It has compiled a report called “Buying Influence?“:
Recently, the director of the London School of Economics resigned over growing concerns and revelations regarding the university‟s links with Muammar Gaddafi’s brutal regime in Libya. In this report, we also show the links between SOAS and the Al-Fateh University, where Saif Gaddafi attended in the 1990s.
Shockingly, on the Editorial Board of the SOAS Journal of Qur‟anic Studies is Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a man who is banned from the UK and USA for inciting suicide bombings and issuing a fatwa advocating the murder of pregnant women and their babies. SOAS now has a lot to answer for.
(The LSE is a “hot-bed” of racism).
The Student Rights site adds:
The briefing unveils the fact that SOAS provided Mutassim Gaddafi, the National Security Advisor to the Murderous Gaddafi regime, with private English tutoring and that an agreement between SOAS and Al-Fateh University in Tripoli was signed just months before the uprisings began in Libya.
Perhaps the most shocking revelation is that Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a cleric who is banned from the UK and US for endorsing suicide bombings and the killing of pregnant women, is on the editorial board of the SOAS journal of Quranic Studies. Al-Qaradawi has in addition been condemned by over 2,500 Muslim scholars worldwide.
The Jewish Chronicle picks up the story:
The university has issued a lengthy response to the Student Rights report. On the issue of Sheikh Al-Qaradawi’s membership of the editorial board of a journal hosted by SOAS, it said: “Professor Yusuf al-Qaradawi and some other editorial advisers from the Middle East only advise on the Arabic section of the Journal, and not on the English section. His academic peers and Muslim scholars in the UK and across the globe consider him to be one of the most outstanding scholars of the Quran in the Arabic and Islamic world. No political or other consideration was involved in asking him to be on the board.”
It added that comments attributed to Yusuf al-Qaradawi in the Student Rights report, endorsing suicide bombings and the killing of pregnant women were “not compatible with SOAS’s values, or our views on hate speech, and would not be allowed on campus”.
Al-Qardawi – seen here hugging former London Mayor Ken Livingstone, is not a liberal:
Posted: 20th, June 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink