
Anorak News | Cheryl Cole And Ashley’s Pregnancy Is Proof Of God’s Love For Humanity: Photos

Cheryl Cole And Ashley’s Pregnancy Is Proof Of God’s Love For Humanity: Photos

by | 4th, July 2011

CHERLY Cole (a “nation’s sweetheart” who failed to be the “nations’ sweetheart”) and Ashley Cole (Chelsea and England footballer allegedly into kinky vomit-fuelled sex (see photos below)) are having a baby. Just two national newspapers lead with the news:

“We want kids together,” announces the Daily Mirror.

“Cheryl & Ash’s baby love,” says the Daily Star.

As Anorak raiders know, TV psychic Derek Acorah relayed news from the spirt world that 2011 would be the year of the Little Cole. It thus followed that the Cole Baby would be confirmation of life after death.

You might suppose that something this sensational would have the media cheering them on. But the while thing has turned into a heated debate among the Cole commentariat.

The Sun has a online poll. It asks readers:

Should she take him back?

Canvassing has begun in earnest.

YES – Says SAM CARLISLE, Sun Features Editor – I’LL be the only woman to say this – but if Cheryl wants to have Ashley back we should respect her decision.

NO Says DEIDRE SANDERS, Sun Agony Aunt – My advice to Cheryl? Talk to Ashley if it helps you feel better, but don’t get further involved until you feel less bruised.

The Mirror’s Polly Hudson gives it her full attention:Maybe Cheryl will prove me and everyone else horrified by her decision wrong. Maybe Trashley is a totally reformed character. But let’s be honest, it’s pretty unlikely.

Good luck, Cheryl. Sorry, but you are definitely going to need it.

The Mirror’s editorial leads with his vital issue:

CHERYL Cole must have a heart the size of Newcastle to take love-rat Ashley back. Let’s just hope he’s learned his lesson and treats her with the respect she deserves.

She had no choice in the matter. She has no choice. The reunion was written by the Fates. A child is coming. And with a range of children’s books, and clothes, a massive photos shoot in OK! and a sing of God’s love for all humanity…


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Cheryl Cole


Posted: 4th, July 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink