
Anorak News | Cheryl Cole And Ashley Cole Reunite For The Big One: The His ‘n’ Hers Perfume Contract

Cheryl Cole And Ashley Cole Reunite For The Big One: The His ‘n’ Hers Perfume Contract

by | 5th, July 2011

VOMITOUS Chelsea footballer Ashley Cole wants to tell us that he is back with Cherly Cole, that woman on whom all manner of non existence attributes have been doused. Well, a pal does. As reported in the Daily Star, sister organ to OK! magazine in whose pages Ash and Chez first married:

He told pals: “I’m going to marry Cheryl again – it’s what we both want… I just wish people would judge me more on football – more than on a life that people don’t really know…

“If I wanted to address every single thing in the papers I’d lose my mind. It makes me crazy now when I hear things. But you’ve just got to deal with it. I’m just here to play football.”

Brilliant stuff, there from the man who sold his wedding to a showbiz mag, wrote about his life in an unintentionally hilarious book called My DEfence, in which he revealed (thanks, Ash, for giving us the chance to use this again):

One call changed everything about how I viewed and felt about Arsenal. “Ash! Are you listening?” said a virtually hyperventilating Barnett. “I’m here in the office and David Dein is saying they aren’t going to give you £60k a week. They’ve agreed £55k and this is their best and final offer. Are you happy with that?” I nearly swerved off the road. “He is taking the piss, Jonathan!” I yelled down the phone. I was so incensed, I was trembling with anger. I couldn’t believe what I’d heard.

The Star then delivers this fabulous line:

Despite his protests excited Ashley wants to go public with Cheryl to stop speculation about their relationship.

Meanwhile, over in the Daily Mail, Amanda Platell joins the debate on whether Ash and Chez should try again for the his ‘n’ hers perfume contract that always eluded them.

Says caring Amanda:

“Stupid, stupid girl. It will not end in heartbreak”

And loads column inches and front-page shockers. You go for it, Cheryl. We need the stories!

The Brand In Photos:


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Footballer Ashley Cole with Girls Aloud pop star Cheryl Tweedy at the Julien Macdonald show at London Fashion Week. Jeff Moore/


Posted: 5th, July 2011 | In: Sports Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink