Rebekah Brooks Looks After The Kids Of Fulwood Academy
REBEKAH Brooks has yet to crack out a child of her own (keep watch for that sudden bout of maternity leave, readers) but the News International star is looking out for other people’s kids. These children are not Milly Dowler, Jessica Wells, Holly Chapman or the chidleren whose parents were murdered in the 7/7 bombing or killed serving their country in Afghanistan, but other kids.
As the LEP reports:
“Ms Brooks, now the chief executive of the soon-to-close paper’s parent company News International, serves on the board of governors at Fulwood Academy, the Evening Post can reveal today. And she is due at the school next Wednesday for a prize-giving ceremony for pupils”
And the award for snooping on the teachers goes to…
“It has now emerged Ms Brooks has served as a governor at the 1,000-pupil Black Bull Lane academy since it opened in September 2009. A source close to the embattled journalist said she was “very proud” of her involvement with the academy.
Ken Cridland, secretary of the National Union of Teachers in Lancashire, which represents hundreds of teachers across the county, said: “Clearly there is a huge question mark over whether the News International chief executive is the right sort of person to be influencing young people.
“It is up to the academy whether they wish to go ahead with this, but to me it would not seem a good idea.””
In July 2009, The then Rebekah Wade told one and all:
“The Guardian coverage, we believe, has substantially and likely deliberately misled the British public.”
In 2003, she admitted that the paper paid police for stories.
And still the school made her a governor. Nothing wrong with that, then. After all, one of the school’s codes of conduct is… “be listened to“…
Spotter: Karen
Posted: 8th, July 2011 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink