Gwyneth Paltrow Destroy’s Apple’s Planet In Steven Speilberg’s Massive Yacht
IN 2004, Gwyneth Paltrow feared for the future of Apple and Apple’s planet:
“I worry about all the mercury that’s being dumped into the lakes and the oceans, and the ozone layer depleting, and forests being chopped down to find more oil. I mean, I really worry about the state of the planet and I wish that the government would make a concerted effort not to trash it. And I just wonder what the Earth will be like when Apple is a grandmother. I really worry about that.”
In 2011, she’s on a yacht on the Med – she forwent aviation fuel and swam there, so go easy:
Billionaire film director Steven Spielberg has been fined by Italian coastguards after his speedboat came too close to the coast and annoyed holidaymakers.
Triple Academy Award winner Spielberg, 64, was with actress Gwyneth Paltrow, when the incident took place after they took a trip in his speedboat while on his £220 million luxury yacht Seven Seas.
All aboard The Ark!
Posted: 28th, July 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink