Bromley Council Declares Man’s Toilet Now Open To The Public
LOCAL News Story of The Day takes us to Bromley , where the News Shopper reports on a Petts Wood man whose toilet has been opened to the public following a decree by Bromley Council.
In its wisdom, the council shut the public toilets in Station Square, Petts Wood. They then erected a sign displaying four nearby businesses which are opening their lavatories to non customers. One of the new public toilets is located at Cafe Maz, is at 2a Station Square.
Only, 2a is a man’s flat above the cafe. There is talk of fury – which has been abated with the use of Tippex changing the 2a into a, er, number 2…
Posted: 4th, August 2011 | In: Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink