Tottenham Riots: Daily Mail Says Immolating Twitter Worshippers Fuelled Violence
THE Daily Mail’s caption writers are having a great time with the Tottenham riot triggered by the police’s (unlawful?) killing of Mark Duggan. Having dubbed the aggro the “Twitter Riot“, the image of a burning double-decker bus is captioned: “a double-decker bus is immolated.”
Immolated? As in to kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by fire. Synonyms for immolate are sacrifice and offer.
Are these “anarchists“, as the Mail dubs the rioters and looters, nothing of the sort, rather members of a new religion that worships Twitter?
As for Twitter fanning the flames of “hatred” – well, get a loud of her Tweets from the, er, Daily Mail…
Photos: The violence that makes for such compelling news coverage:
Lead image: trouble spills into Enfield.
Posted: 8th, August 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink