
Anorak News | Tottenham Riots: Daily Mail Says Immolating Twitter Worshippers Fuelled Violence

Tottenham Riots: Daily Mail Says Immolating Twitter Worshippers Fuelled Violence

by | 8th, August 2011

THE Daily Mail’s caption writers are having a great time with the Tottenham riot triggered by the police’s (unlawful?) killing of Mark Duggan. Having dubbed the aggro the “Twitter Riot“, the image of a burning double-decker bus is captioned: “a double-decker bus is immolated.”

Immolated? As in to kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by fire. Synonyms for immolate are sacrifice and offer.

Are these “anarchists“, as the Mail dubs the rioters and looters, nothing of the sort, rather members of a new religion that worships Twitter?

As for Twitter fanning the flames of “hatred” – well, get a loud of her Tweets from the, er, Daily Mail…

Photos: The violence that makes for such compelling news coverage:


Lead image: trouble spills into Enfield.


Image 28 of 31

A general view of a damaged hair salon in Tottenham, north London as trouble flared after members of the community took to the streets last night to demand "justice", after Mark Duggan, 29, was shot dead by police on Thursday.

Posted: 8th, August 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink