Heston Blumenthal Separates From Wife – Dates Food Porn Writer
BOFFIN-noggined TV cook Heston Blumenthal is no longer with his wife Zanna, of whom he opined:
“Zanna is the reason for my success because she has supported me every step of the way. She’s sacrificed so much and has never complained.
“It sounds corny, but I knew from the outset that I’d found my soul mate. There was a deep connection between us and even though we were just teenagers, we knew we had found something special.”
He’s now with Suzanne Pirret. She’s an actress who wrote a cook book called – get this – The Pleasure Is All Mine: Selfish Food for Modern Life. It’s a book on the joy of coking for one.
She wrote this for Evening Standard:
As a chef – a retired chef that is – nothing is more enjoyable than cooking with a partner. And nothing is more thrilling than the making of a great sous-chef. That’s right: obedience should never be undermined…
Chef! The mains are ready…
Food porn is ubiquitous. Yet you have to be careful which foods you treat this way: a grilled piece of chicken is not erotic. Nor is a flaxseed muffin.
On the other hand, the postcoital euphoric daze will always linger when a meal follows. Cheese on toast? Succulent. Crisps? Amazing!
Here’s a pre-coitus chewy toffee. And don’t talk with your mouthful, Suzanne…
Posted: 13th, August 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink