Man Molested Vending Machine

A teenager carried out a sex act and then simulated sex on a pavement after drinking a half bottle of vodka while on medication, a court has heard. Steven Marshall, 18, of Woodstock Avenue, Galashiels, admitted the offence in his home street on 17 June. Selkirk Sheriff Court heard he got into a press-up position on the pavement and started simulating sexual intercourse. Sentence was deferred on Marshall, who takes medication for arthritis. He was put on the sex offenders register. The court heard that on the evening in question motorists saw Marshall lying on his back carrying out a sex act. Neighbour intervened He then turned over and started simulating sex in full view of a female taxi driver. Marshall, who is on medication for arthritis problems he has suffered since the age of 12, ended up lying on his back in the road. He stopped traffic getting past him until a neighbour intervened and took him back home. Sheriff Kevin Drummond deferred sentence for background reports and ordered that Marshall's name be placed on the sex offenders register for five years. - BBC
Posted: 4th, September 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink