Scare Story: Daily Mail Says British Unhealthiest In The World – Dead Belgians Disagree
THE Daily Mail’s Scare Story of the day is that “Britain’s middle aged are unhealthiest in the world“.
Odd, then, that the CIA and the World Bank says Britishers will live to an average 80 years. On the CIA’s league table of longevity the UK comes in at number 28 of 221 countries.
That makes us longer living – and it might be argued healthier – than people in lots of other countries.
The Mail says the UK’s middle-aged are “fatter…and much more likely to be puffing away on cigarettes than their peers around the globe“.
Yippee! We eat what we want, enjoy a smoke and still outlive all those poor sods in Belgium. We win!
So say the “experts”…
Posted: 5th, September 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink