A True Arab Spring Would Get Rid Of Hamas And Fatah
BRENDAN O’Neill writes for ABC News on the meaning an ARab Spring for the Palestinians:
Two phenomena seem to be fuelling Abbas’s cynical move. The first is the inability of his movement, Fatah, to assert its moral authority across all the Palestinian territories and to bring Hamas to heel.
The plea for statehood is an attempt to demonstrate the authority of Fatah, to secure from the bigwigs at the United Nations something that Fatah has singularly failed to win amongst the Palestinian people themselves: a stamp of approval saying it is the legitimate representative of the Palestinian cause.
And the second thing is the Arab Spring. Having witnessed the anger of the Arab masses with their ageing, authoritarian, corrupt rulers, Fatah is keen to offset similar disgruntlement amongst the Palestinian people.
Posted: 29th, September 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink