Natasha Giggs, Stacey Giggs And Rovers’ Ryan Giggs Caught In Coronation Street Scrap
FIGHT! The Sun leads with news that Manchester United’s honourable Ryan Giggs (if only everyone was a mute as him there would be no need for super-injunctions) has allegedly been in a “street scrap” with his “mistress Natasha” and “wife Stacey”.
To the Rovers Return, Manchester, For Street Scrap. It’s the “slanging match of the day“.
On cobbles:
Stacey Giggs to Natasha Giggs: “You’re nothing but a f***ing s**g.”
Ryan Giggs to Natasha: “Are you f***ing proud of yourself? I hope you got paid a lot.”
RG to NG: “Do you realise you’ve split up two families?”
NG: “You’d already done that a long time ago.”
RG: “You realise I never cared about you, it was just sex to me.”
NG: “You didn’t have to sell your story, you did it all for the money.”
RG” Did you honestly ever think I had feelings for you?.. I know where part of your money’s gone – on your new t*ts.”
NG: “Oh Ryan, it’s really great to know that you’re still playing happy families.”
Back at the factory, NG Tweets:
“That awkward moment when u bump into the one person u never thought you would see again with his lapdog. Also referred to as ‘the wife’.”
Steve McDonald rolls eyes.
Roll credits.
Says she: “I’m not the kind of person to kiss and tell but I will say he was a considerate lover.” Consider us told. Go on: “We had fun while it lasted but unfortunately the distance came between us, he wasn’t down in Wales very often and I didn’t go up to Manchester, so we ended it after about a year.”
Posted: 13th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Sports Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink