Robert Black Murdered Jennifer Cardy: Good That He Was Not Executed
ROBERT Black kidnapped and murdered nine-year-old Jennifer Cardy. On August 12, 1981, the girl was cycling to a friend’s house in the village of Ballinderry, Co Antrim. She never made it.
Did he murder 13-year-old Genette Tate in 1978?
In 1994, Black, already a convicted paedophile, was found guilty of murdering 11-year-old Susan Maxwell, five-year-old Caroline Hogg, from Edinburgh, and Sarah Harper, 10, from Morley. Police found him with a six-year-old girl bound and gagged in the back of his van.
Says Genette Tate’s father John Tate, 69, who is terminally ill with prostate cancer:
“I am relieved for Jennifer’s family. After 30 very long years they finally have some closure. I just wish Black would now give the rest of us the same sort of closure without going through the hell of a trial. Why doesn’t Robert Black come clean? He is never going to be released from prison. He seems to be a sadistic teaser. It appears he gets a kick out of this. I wish he would have the guts to be a man for once in his life and confess to everything that he has done. He has left his victims to rot in unidentified places, never giving their families the chance to bury their loved ones. That is monstrous behaviour.”
One point: had the death penalty existed, Black would have been a popular recipient of it. But with Black dead, the family of Jennifer Cardy would not have had less of a chance to get closure. And who sane could deny them that?
Andy Cardy tells media: “Somebody who commits murders like this. Their life should be taken away. They should be put to death.”
But what then of Genette Tate?
COMPOSITE : (left) a police issued undated collect of convicted child-killer Robert Black (Library filer 258517-17). (Right) Devon schoolgirl Genette Tate (black and white library collect 228722-4) in 1978. The mother of a teenage newspaper girl who vanished from a country lane 20 years ago said today she felt the mystery would eventually be solved. The baffling disappearance of 13-year-old Genette Tate at around 3.35pm on August 19, 1978, is Britain's longest running missing persons inquiry. It began when Genette's blue bicycle and papers were found in narrow, twisting Within Lane, at Aylesbeare, east Devon - just minutes after she spoke to two friends. Devon and Cornwall police have pledged to keep their murder-style inquiry open until the riddle is solved. Speaking on the eve of the 20th anniversary of her disappearance Genette's mother, Sheila Cook, said: "I do feel there is someone out there with something to tell - and I still feel we will get the answer." See PA Story MISSING Genette. PA Photos
Posted: 27th, October 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink