
Anorak News | Occupy Wall Street Drum Circle Is Doomed: Bloomberg Release The Emerald Society Of The NYPD Bagpipers

Occupy Wall Street Drum Circle Is Doomed: Bloomberg Release The Emerald Society Of The NYPD Bagpipers

by | 20th, November 2011

DRUMS! Occupy Bongo is coming to New York City.  There is to a a 24-hour drum circle. Egads! Not even those in the circle of Hell will be able to stand it. To the hammers! But it is coming. At 2 PM, Occupy Wall Street’s percussion section will descend on Bloomberg’s New York mansion and bang on the drum. Thankfully, they’ve given him a headphones up. The announcement vows:

Word on the street is that Bloomberg loves hippies. So now, finally, a drum circle you don’t have to be high to enjoy: this Sunday at 2pm, for 24 hours, bring the love to Mayor Bloomberg’s personal townhouse: 17 East 79th Street.

Tie-dye, didgeridoo, hackeysack welcome! No shirt, no shoes, no problem! And if you don’t have talent, don’t worry: FREE DRUM LESSONS offered! Also on offer: collaborative drumming with the police!

Even though this is a 24-hour drum circle, don’t be late! The mayor loves evictions. Who knows what’ll happen? But no matter how long it lasts, there’ll be an afterparty and love-in in world-famous Central Park just next door.

Anorak loves a protest – it’s a rection – a thought – made real. But drumming in a circle is horrible. Utterly horrible. No-one wins. Anorak has one top for Mayor Bloomberg: bagpipes, specifically the 112 members of the Emerald Society of the NYPD. Run now, Occupy Drummers. You cannot win. In Musical Trumps, Bagpipes always wins.


Posted: 20th, November 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink