Nativity Play Horror: Dad Has Finger Bitten Off By Other Dad At Harton Primary School In South Shields
THEY’VE added a new scene to the Christmas play at Harton Primary School in South Shields. In a spot of audience participation, a 32-year-old dad has had part of his finger bitten off by another parent, aged 39.
The older man has been arrested and bailed on suspicion of assault.
Says a witness:
“The two men started to fight in front of all the parents. One bit the finger off the other and spat the blood out like an animal.”
What animal? A lamb? A little donkey? The lowing cow? Tsk! This wouldn’t have happened at A Winterval do…
Note to parents: take sweets. It can drag.
Posted: 7th, December 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink