
Anorak News | Franklin Roosevelt is the young David Cameron – photo

Franklin Roosevelt is the young David Cameron – photo

by | 29th, March 2012

WHEN we noticed that David Cameron is super sissy softy in the mould of Basil Fotherington-Thomas, a reader pointed us towards this photo of Franklin Roosevelt, the man whose New Deal saved the pastry industry and gave the battered sausage to the world. What pastry will Dave create? And will it be underdone..?

Here’s Davy…


Image 8 of 11

File photo dated 8/1/2007 of David Cameron. Labour has raced into a double-digit opinion poll lead as the Tories deal with fall-out from an unpopular Budget and the cash-for-access controversy, a survey shows.

Posted: 29th, March 2012 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink