
Anorak News | Lady Gaga: The Far East your in photos and disguise

Lady Gaga: The Far East your in photos and disguise

by | 23rd, May 2012

LADY Gaga has been to the Far East. The woman who would have been the white Grace Jones had Madonna not beaten her to it has been in Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. In Manila, some Christians say Lady Gaga is the devil incarnate and must be banned for: a) taking Jesus’ name in vain; and/or b) not billing herself as Lady LaLa, thereby helping the ticket bookers handle the phones with minimal confusion. In these photos, look out for the religionists and the fans, some of whom might actually be GaGa blowing her own trumpet, ecumenically speaking…


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A Filipino fan of pop star Lady Gaga wears red shoes with a toy skull as they wait outside the concert venue before her performance in suburban Pasay, south of Manila, Philippines on Monday May 21, 2012. Authorities in the conservative, majority Roman Catholic country approved the concerts, set for tonight, May 21, and Tuesday, but said they won't allow nudity or lewd acts. A religious group warned they will sue Lady Gaga and concert organizers if she sings "Judas" during her concert. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

Posted: 23rd, May 2012 | In: Key Posts, Music Comment | TrackBack | Permalink