
Anorak News | Cows and Crows bring terror to Seattle

Cows and Crows bring terror to Seattle

by | 25th, July 2012

ON July 18 2012, two streets in Edmonds, Seattle were dusted with a white powder. The emergency services arrived in full chemical warfare suits. The powder turned out to be the result of two crows dragging around a bag of white flour.

And so to today’s news. delivers the headline:

“Wash. cows blamed for ‘suspicious powder’ scare”

Either Seattle has been hit twice by animals and their white powders, or else it’s a typo. Still, best not to be slapdash. Round up the hal-al cows. and put the crows ont he no-flight list…

Posted: 25th, July 2012 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink