Free Speech: New York Times Charlie Hebdo cowardice shames its fight to expose a secret history of the Vietnam War

Attorneys for The New York Times leave the Supreme Court in Washington on June 26, 1971 after presenting arguments against the government suit to prevent The New York Times and The Washington Post from publishing articles on the secret history of the Vietnam War. They are, from left: Lawrence McKay; Floyd Abrams; Alexander Bickel, who presented the Times case before the court; James Goodale, Times Vice President and William Heggerty. (AP Photo/Charles Harrity)
The New York Times did not publish the latest Charlie Hebdo cover:
Larry Buchanan spots this letter in the NYT:
This gem, buried on the letters page of Fridays paper, by the man who defended the nyt in the pentagon papers case.
Posted: 14th, January 2015 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink