Westminster paedophiles: PIE, Grafton Close dies and ‘allegations of unnatural sexual proclivities’ on file
Westmisnter paedophiles: a look at the story of child abuse in VIP circles in the 1970s and 1980s.
Tom Parmenter tells Sky News viwers:
A secret Government file has been unearthed that documents “unnatural” sexual behaviour taking place when the Westminster paedophile scandal was at its height. It has been kept under lock and key for 35 years on grounds of national security – but will now be released to the child abuse inquiry established by the Government.
Aren’t those claims of a Westmisnter paedophile scandal? And isn’t the Westmisnter peedophile scandal at its height now?
Security and intelligence expert Dr Chris Murphy stumbled across it last November while searching documents at the National Archives in Kew. He was immediately alerted by the title: “PREM19/588 – SECURITY. Allegations against former public [word missing] of unnatural sexual proclivities; security aspects 1980 Oct 27 – 1981 Mar 20.”
Dr Murphy, a Lecturer in Intelligence Studies at Salford, says:
“I was looking through the ‘PREM’ Prime Minister file series for the 1980s. I think I did a double-take and then started wondering what the potential implications of the title, which is a little vague, could be.”
Do we know? We can guess:
It is highly likely then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher saw the documents, and was briefed on the security implications, but the identities of those within them remain secret.
Facts are pretty thin:
Dr Murphy added: “The fact that this file is concerning the Prime Minister and these allegations are being taken to the Prime Minister I think would strike anybody of being potentially of some interest.”
Yes. That much is true.
A Cabinet Office spokesperson says:
“In this case, the file was kept closed and retained as it contained information from the security services and advice from the Law Officers. These classifications are reviewed periodically. We are clear that any files that are pertinent to the historical child sex abuse inquiry will be made available to the panel.”
Mrs Thatcher’s former press secretary, Sir Bernard Ingham, responds:
“I asked him [a Government minster] about it [allegation of depravity] and he denied it, so no, I didn’t do anything else. What was the alternative?”
If it was illegal, we’d answer: go to the police.
Simon Danczuk MP, without whom no story of Westminster paedos is complete, adds:
“I think it is right and proper that the Government now open up this document, let us know what is in there. I think there is a culture within Government departments of not releasing information and that has caused some of the problems we now have in getting to the bottom of who was involved in this paedophile network and who was involved in covering it up.”
That would be the alleged network linekd to alleged deaths at Dolphin Square, goings on at the Elm Guest House and other matters.
The Cheddar Valley Gazette has other news:
A BRISTOL paedophile is being investigated over child abuse in the 1970’s. Douglas Slade, 73, left Britain after being exposed as a sexual predator. But detectives are working on a case which could see Slade extradited to the UK for offences linked to a nationwide paedophile network. Wealthy businessman Slade who lived in Bristol during the 1970s and 1980s, was a founder of the reviled child sex advocacy group Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
PIE was frequnted by Charles Napier and Peter Hayman:
He left Britain in 1985 for Angeles City in the Philippines, where he has been accused of molesting boys as young as eight. Before he left, Slade is suspected to have abused numerous underage boys passed between PIE members who tracked down youths for illegal sex…
One man allegedly abused by Slade and other PIE members, who is not part of the current UK investigation, contacted the Daily Mail to describe how he was molested by Slade and then passed between paedophiles from 1979, when he was 14.
The 50-year-old man said he was introduced to Slade by another prominent PIE member, former racing car driver Christopher Skeaping, who was jailed in 2009 for sex attacks on a boy aged 12 in the late 1980s.
The alleged victim says:
“Skeaping rode a huge BMW 1100 and had big American cars. For kids of 13, 14 and 15, those are exciting things. Douglas Slade turned up at his home one day. I was a very quiet child and he just picked up on me and I ended up going to Bristol several times. Apart from the sexual side of it, Slade was actually very nice to me. He made me feel special. He was doing nice things for me and it all seemed quite a good thing. I suppose if that’s what grooming is, I was being groomed… I was affected by what happened to me for some years, but I got over it by being positive and coming to terms with it…”

If you wait long enough, they all die:
A former children’s home manager has been found dead just weeks before he was due to stand trial over alleged historical sex abuse. John Stingemore, 72, was discovered at his home in St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, on Wednesday afternoon… Stingemore was due to stand trial next month at Southwark Crown Court charged with a string of indecent assaults on young boys. The charges came following an investigation into alleged abuse at Grafton Close Children’s Home in Hounslow, west London.
One allegation is that boys from Richmond Council-run care homes such as Grafton Close were supplied to Elm Guest House to be abused by VIPs.
Such are the facts…
Posted: 21st, January 2015 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink