Topless Chelsea Handler makes the Middle East war sexually arousing

The quip of the desert
Chelsea Handler has sat topless on a naked camel. It’s a statement, Handler says:
“A Muslim allowed a topless Jew to sit on his camel. And we say we can’t live side by side? I say we try and we can and we will. And, You don’t even have to be topless. L’chaim.”
Chelsea Handler lives in California.
She later added:
“Homelanding in my homeland. With my jugs in my jacket. #RESPECT”
Previously, Handler has appeared topless on a horse, ostensibly to lampoon Vladimir Putin; and topless on a bike to advertise “SiriusXM and @EWlive”. If you can provide it, Handler will remove her top and staddle it.
Says one male onlooker, I never knew the Middle East conflict could be so sexually arousing.
PS: it reminds us of this:
Posted: 31st, January 2015 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink