The Daily Mail invades Julia Roberts’ grief for her dead mother
Julia Roberts’ mother has died. Roberts is an actress. Her mother wasn’t. Her mother was not a public figure. This is a moment of private grief for a private person. So. How does the Daily Mail report it:
Lest you think the Mail has bought nine paparazzi photos – a thing the paper vowed to stop doing after Princess Diana died – and was gawping at private grief, the ‘Daily Mail Reporter’ tells us its there to support the actress:
As news broke, the star’s friends rushed to the actress’ side as she began the difficult task of visiting her mother’s home in West Los Angeles, California. While many may struggle to enter their late loved ones home on the day they died, the 47-year-old appeared to be determined to get everything in order.
She’s an inspiration. But can Julia Roebrts be so great at the funeral? Let’s hope the Mail is there to show us…
Posted: 20th, February 2015 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink