Arsenal sex scandal: shaven Alexis Sanchez and sex tape survivor Vale Roth
The Sun has a kiss ‘n’ tell. Readers meet Valentina Roth Soracco, billed on Instagram as a 23 year-old “former Olympic gymnast” who loves dancing. She wants to talk about sex with Arsenal striker Alexis Sacnhez.
This is a photo of her vaulting a staue in her native Chile:
The story goes that the ‘troubled’ bikini model, TV dancer, WAG and sex tape sensation once dated the Arsenal player:
ARSENAL star Alexis Sanchez was dumped by his fuming girlfriend after she caught his pals secretly filming them having sex.
Valentina hooked up with him while starring in a Chilean version of Strictly Come Dancing.
She told us: “His friend got hold of my mobile and messaged me to say Alexis wanted to get to know me. I was single at the time, I knew of Alexis, and I thought ‘Why not?’ so told the friend to get him to call. We started texting each other and finally met up a couple of months later when Alexis was home in Chile from Barcelona.”
She says they had sex.

More al fresco gymnastics
She says:
“He took good care of himself. He was vain and waxed every hair on his body so he looked like a baby with muscles.”
She then tells a story about a night out in 2010. No-one saw them leave the club they were in because they left by different exits. They wound up in Alexis’ bedroom. She says they were having sex when she spotted two men watching them from within a wardrobe:
“A few seconds later I heard the door creaking. I jumped up and opened it and saw his friends. They were stood in the cupboard, red-faced, holding up a mobile phone. I grabbed it, ripped out the SIM card, threw the phone to the floor and smashed it to pieces.”
“I was furious. Alexis insisted he had nothing to do with it.”
She then adds, and this is bit odd:
“I dressed and left immediately with a girlfriend.”
We do not get to know where or why the ‘girlfreind’ was there. But she says she smashed the phone and destroyed the video.
She adds:
“When I see him on the TV for Arsenal I see a player who’s worshipped by millions — but he’s just an immature little boy who would be no one if it wasn’t for his talent with a ball. He needs to think long and hard how he treats women.”
Some reports allege Roth needs money.
As yet there’s been no reply from Sanchez.
Such are the facts…
Posted: 8th, March 2015 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink