Dominique Sharpton wants $5m for sprained ankle – bravely hikes up mountain on holiday
Al Sharpton’s daughter Dominique Sharpton, 28, is suing the city of New York for allegely spraining her ankle on a wonky pavement. Dominique says the the ankle is “severely injured, bruised and wounded”. She wants $5 million in damages to compensate her for “loss of quality of life, future pain and suffering, future medical bills, [and] future diminution of income.”
Currently on vacation in Bali, the membership director for her gadfly dad’s National Action Network claims she “still suffers and will continue to suffer for some time physical pain and bodily injuries,” according to the suit filed against the city departments of Transportation and Environmental Protection.
And despite claiming “permanent physical pain” in a breathless notice of claim in December, at around the same time there were social-media shots of her in high heels and fancy dresses and climbing a ladder to decorate a Christmas tree.
Dominique has recently posted this message on her Instagram about the view from the top of a Bali mountain she hiked up:

On her very high horse
File under: Christmas comes early..
Posted: 18th, May 2015 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink