Playboy model Viky Xipolitakis and two pilots in hot water for sexy cockpit larks (photos)

‘Have you ever seen a grown man naked’
Two Argentinian pilots who allowed Greek Playboy model Viky Xipolitakis into the cockpit have been sacked. Patricio Zocchi Molina and Federico Matias Soaje, who thought it a good idea to let Viky play with the joystick during take-off, face eight years in prison and a $10 million lawsuit brought by 11 of the passengers.
The Buenos Aires Herald says the pilots have been charged with an “attack against aircraft security”.
But was it worth it?

A pair of tits
Ms Xipolitakis, who tweeted the flight, has been banned from flying with the airline for five years. She now sees herself as a victim:
“I never thought I could cause such harm. I am deeply sad. I had a wonderful experience in the flight and never thought it could cause such fuss. I didn’t know I couldn’t go into the cockpit. The pilots should have told me not to. Now I reckon my life has been in danger.”
You reckon?
Posted: 1st, July 2015 | In: Celebrities, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink