
Anorak News | James Cracknell joins Jamie Oliver’s anti-sugar eugenicists

James Cracknell joins Jamie Oliver’s anti-sugar eugenicists

by | 10th, February 2016

James cRacknell sugar taxJamie Oliver has a sidekick in his war on cheap food and the poor. The Guardian reports:

Double Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell has joined calls for sugary drinks to be taxed as part of a series of measures to combat rising levels of obesity.

He reasons:

“There will be inevitable opposition to what will be labelled as ‘nannying’, but the same was true of the reaction to legislation on seat belts and drink-driving.”

You don’t need to drive. Driving is a luxury controlled by rules of the road. You are given a licence to drive by the State, James. You do not – well, not yet – need an official licence to drink and eat. Unless James thinks sugary drinks impair driving skills – although the opposite may be true.

And lest you still think James has a sound point, the story continues:

Double gold medallist warns of national crisis in Policy Exchange report that also calls for annual BMI checks for children

More akin to eugenics than mere nannying.


Posted: 10th, February 2016 | In: Celebrities, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink