
Anorak News | Alex Wubbels: nurse assaulted by police gets $500,000

Alex Wubbels: nurse assaulted by police gets $500,000

by | 1st, November 2017

Nurse Alex WubbelsRemember Alex Wubbels. the nurse roughed up by police for doing her job? Well, she’s been awarded $500,000 for her ordeal.  When she rightly refused police demands to take blood from an unconscious man, the police cuffed, her and dragged her outside. Gratifyingly, the police thuggery was recored on a bodycam.

The money will be paid by Salt Lake City and the University of Utah. Detective Jeff Payne was sacked from his job with Salt Lake City police. No other police were busted – chiefly Payne’s colleague who stood by and watched it happen. Payne is taking his dismissal to appeal.

“We all deserve to know the truth, and the truth comes when you see the actual raw footage, and that’s what happened in my case,” says  Wubbels. “No matter how truthful I was in telling my story, it was nothing compared to what people saw and the visceral reaction people experienced when watching the footage of the experience I went through.” Media matters.

Ms Wubbels has donated some of her compensation to a nursing union and plans to use the money to help other abused by police who can’t respect the law.


Posted: 1st, November 2017 | In: Money, News Comment | TrackBack | Permalink