
Anorak News | if you want to see panda bears in Scotland take off your hi-vis jacket

if you want to see panda bears in Scotland take off your hi-vis jacket

by | 17th, September 2018

Doggers, voyeurs, badger enthusiasts and other people who like to watch live, al fresco sex acts, listen up: remove the high visibility jackets. Edinburgh Zoo has banned staff from wearing hi-vis jackets in case they are putting mating pandas off their stroke. Sunshine and Sweetie, two pandas on loan to the zoo from China, have yet to produce an heir. With names like Jaffas, you might suppose the clue to their lack of little pandas is in the name. But you’d be wrong. It’s more likely because the bright colours on the watching humans are distracting. It is also nothing to do with being flown to Scotland to have your genitals tampered with in public.

Breaking: Meanwhile, eight out of ten doggers says they are put off by bright yellow AA service vehicles arriving in the car park, with the other two telling our game pollsters, ‘It’s only Ed and Kirstin.’

Posted: 17th, September 2018 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink