
Anorak News | Brexit: Operation Yellowhammer replaces Operation Glasshammer

Brexit: Operation Yellowhammer replaces Operation Glasshammer

by | 20th, March 2019

operation yellowhammer

Finally something new in the Brexit shambles. The Daily Telegraph leads with Brexit, telling readers that unless Theresa May and her minions agree a new date for the UK leaving the EU “Operation Yellowhammer” will be enacted. Sounds rather exiting. Operation Yellowhammer has to be better than the current Operation Glasshammer.

Should the Government opt for a long delay to Brexit, post-EU empire builders Andrea Leadsom, Liam Fox and Chris Grayling have “warned” May “they could quit” the Cabinet. As Grayling is sent to the shops to buy some tartan paint, Leadsom orders replacement bubbles for British spirit levels and Fox finally gets his hands on that reversible drill, Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay writes to those Cabinet ministers still listening: “Operation Yellowhammer command and control structures will be enacted fully on 25 March unless a new exit date has been agreed between the UK and the EU.”

How delicious is that line. “Operation Yellowhammer command and control structures.” Good to see whoever used to write the script for Knight Rider has found work. What these command and control structures are no newspaper can identity. But we have ways. Control is here to help:

Posted: 20th, March 2019 | In: News Comment | TrackBack | Permalink