
Anorak News | Lord Bramall : victim of Carl Beech and the Met Police PR drive

Lord Bramall : victim of Carl Beech and the Met Police PR drive

by | 28th, July 2019

Nick sunday People
Sunday People – Nick

Field Marshal Lord Bramall, 95, was maliciously accused of being part of a gang – sorry, ring – who tortured and murdered young boys for sexual kicks. His accuser, one Carl Beech, is guilty of perverting the course of justice, fraud and child-sex offences. Last Friday he was given an 18-year sentence. The police saw in Beech the opportunity to restore some of the damage to their reputation caused by their failure to fully investigate complaints against BBC DJ Sir Jimmy Savile. Biased media used Nick to score political points. Politicians behaved shamefully. Tom Watson, deputy leader of the Labour Party, pitched himself as a hero. The Guardian said of him: “the deceptively shambolic maverick with an ex-wife for a private life, who looks like Robbie Coltrane but turns out to be a crime-fighting genius. And funnily enough, that’s not too far wide of the mark.” Watson PI could see a puppy sat by pile of shit and conclude the Tories done it. He’s no genius.

Dominic Lawson writes in the Sunday Times:

Bramall now says that, after the investigation had been concluded, the then Met commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, “sitting where you are, Dominic, in that chair, said to me: ‘We knew almost at once that none of these ridiculous allegations applied to you, but we could not stop making you a suspect for another 10 months, because we in the Metropolitan police would have been accused of not investigating properly.’”

So it was about their own reputation?

“Exactly. Their own public relations.”

Eventually the Met agreed to pay Bramall £100,000 in recognition of their investigative errors and the harm that was done to him: “I was told that was about half what my lawyer thought was the going rate. But the Metropolitan police kept coming back, saying: ‘You were once lord lieutenant of London and [must know] we can’t offer more because all this comes out of the money that we need to police crime in London.’”

Operation Midland, the police enquiry into Beech’s lies – lies treated as “credible and true” by the police – cost £2.5m.

Posted: 28th, July 2019 | In: News Comment | TrackBack | Permalink