
Anorak News | Police arrest idiot with photographic memory

Police arrest idiot with photographic memory

by | 3rd, October 2019

brain crime

As you chitchat any the checkout, watch the cashier’s eyes. If they’re anything like 34-year-old Yusuke Taniguchi, they’re allegedly taking a detailed mental picture of your bank details.

Taniguchi, a cashier at a mall in Japan’s Koto City, used his eidetic mind (photographic) to memorise customers’ 16-digit bank card numbers, name, expiry date, and security code. He’d then go home and buy loads of gear using the numbers.

Brainiac, right? Wrong. Taniguchi would note all the card numbers in a little book he kept in his flat. Police found the book when they raised his flat. But why did they pop over. Because Taniguchi was allegedly using his own address as the delivery point for the stolen goods.

Taniguchi is said to have confessed to have mentally nicked the data from 1300 people.

Spotter:: Sankei NewsHachima Kiko

Posted: 3rd, October 2019 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink