
Anorak News | Tabloids pit Prince Harry against Elton John

Tabloids pit Prince Harry against Elton John

by | 5th, October 2019

This pesky tabloids have upset Prince Harry. Not settling with suing the Mail on Sunday over its reports on his wife and her family, the Mirror and Sun. Gossip sells papers. But it seems that only the right sort of gossip pleases Harry, what he calls “responsible” gossip.

Elton on Diana to flog books: all well and good; tabloids on Royals to flog papers: bad

Harry v the tabloids. The tab love a fight. Does Harry?

“For years and years the royals have been a free shot for the press,” says the founder of Hacked Off, a campaign group which represents phone-hacking victims. “This man has suffered very badly because of that – we know what happened to his mother. I think we’ve moved on from the idea that celebrities are not entitled to privacy. The duke and duchess need to draw a line, they’ve had years of abuse.”

Byline says Harry’s latest claim to do with the papers allegedly hacking his phone.

Should the claim against the Sun and Mirror reach court we can expect to see editors and Harry in the dock. Indeed. Time to get courtroom doings live on the telly. A nation will be gripped.

Posted: 5th, October 2019 | In: Celebrities, News, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink