
Anorak News | Arsenal balls: Arteta is the new manager

Arsenal balls: Arteta is the new manager

by | 18th, December 2019

Unai who? All good things come to he who waits. Mikel Arteta is to be the new Arsenal manager. The Spaniard has reportedly signed for three-and-a-half years.

Arteta has never managed a club before. He steps into Arsenal at a time when the players are possessed with all the composure of a wet puppy in a ball pit.

Arteta wears the mien of a man wondering where if his parking voucher is about to run out. Has any Arsenal fan ever heard him speak? He’s possessed with all the personality profile of a flattened spoon. But cometh the hour, Arteta will rise to the challenge – and, boy, is it a huge one.

Posted: 18th, December 2019 | In: Arsenal, Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink