
Anorak News | Woman upsets bear using toilet in woods

Woman upsets bear using toilet in woods

by | 20th, February 2021

poo bear toilet

Do bears shit in the woods? Yes, but only if the toilet is vacant. And even then they watch out because in Alaska one woman didn’t notice the cubicle was occupied.

She “jumped up and screamed” after she was “attacked by a bear while using the toilet” says the BBC, putting the kind of spin on the story that will further strain human-bear relations.

After hearing her scream, Ms Stevens’ brother went to see what had caused the injury, only to find a bear’s head in the hole of the toilet. Ms Stevens says the wound was caused by either a bite or a swipe from the animal’s claw. She was spending the weekend in a yurt with her brother Erik and his girlfriend when the incident occurred. Earlier in the evening they had cooked sausages on an open firepit.

“I got out there and sat down on the toilet and immediately something bit my butt as I sat down,” she say. “Right there at the level of the toilet seat was a cinnamon-coloured bear face.” Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologist Carl Koch told KTOO News that heĀ thinks the animal was a black bear.

File under: Poo Bear

Posted: 20th, February 2021 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink