
Anorak News | Police Recruit Scouts With School Records Of Homophobic And Racial Abuse

Police Recruit Scouts With School Records Of Homophobic And Racial Abuse

by | 21st, January 2011

BOY Scouts are being seconded to help the police in their mission to patronise every motorist in the land. Then they start on the skateboarders, rollerskaters and pram-faced buggy drivers. Once you’ve got them into a uniform, try to keep them there.

The 1st Shipston Scout pack wants that community challenge badge, and to get it they will learn how to fire a laser speed gun before joining police community support officers on duty.

At traps laid out at Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire, the scouts trapped 24 drivers in the 30mph zone. One driver was doing a mad 36mph.

The drivers were offered a choice: a £60 fixed penalty and three points on their licence or a ticking off from a 12-year-old in a woggle.

After this, the Scouts primary school records will be trawled to see which of them has used racially abusive, homophobic or sexually abusive language. Those that have will be fast-tracked into the force proper…

Posted: 21st, January 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink