
Anorak News | Colonel Gaddafi’s Greatest Quotes: In Photos

Colonel Gaddafi’s Greatest Quotes: In Photos

by | 1st, August 2011

COLONEL Gaddafi is portrayed as a delusional lunatic. Well, that is pretty much how he presents himself. But the gangster is no fool. This is the man whose regime ordered the bombing of a disco in Germany and a plane over Lockerbie, and murdered a British policewoman on a British street.

With Gaddafi still in power, Libya was welcomed back into the bosom of the West’s family of nations by Tony Blair, that shiny-eyed healer who wears his god on this sleeve but no blood on his hands.

Historians will one day argue over who was the more self-serving: Blair or Gaddafi. They will then debate if Victoria Beckham is posher than Rebecca Loos and if you can take two bottles into the shower.

Meanwhile, Gaddafi remains in power, waiting to be offed by the SAS or bombed by the Americans. He has his enemies – lots of them. So far Gaddafi has blamed all the usual suspects for fomenting protest in this country – al Qaeda, the British, the Americans, the Jews, the Waltons, the oil companies, the Islamists, the TV news, the mice and the talking sand.

He is, however, smart enough to go on the BBC and distil his position down to one thing: what comes after me. And this one resonates. The Allies have not been all that skilled on an exit strategy (see Iraq). So. What follows Gaddafi? Colonialism by the West or the Islamists..?


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Posted: 1st, August 2011 | In: Key Posts, Politicians Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink