
Anorak News | Britney Spears Gives It Some Lolly

Britney Spears Gives It Some Lolly

by | 8th, January 2008

britney-spears-lillipops.jpgBRITNEY Spears. Enough news? More news? Ok, try: “BRIT’S MILLION DOLLAR SCAM.”

The Daily Star leads with news that Britney Spears is “cashing in” on her meltdown by offering to sell photographs of her taken by her photographer friend, the Briton Adnan Ghalib.

Might it be that Britney Spears is self-aware, realising that if millions are to be made off her name, then she should cash in. After all, who has better access to Britney Spears than Britney Spears, her children included?

Immersed in the paparazzi pack, Spears has gone native.

One thing to clarify is how this amounts to a “scam”, a scheme for making money by dishonest means. The Sun says Ghalib’s photoagency is demanding “megabucks” for pictures of Britney wearing “next to nothing and sucking on a lollipop”. Photographs of this celebrity tableau have already “leaked” onto the web. No fakery. That really is a lolly.

The Anorak shall not be bidding for these snaps, able as it is to find many pictures of a near-nude Spears on the internet and confident that anyone who pays over the odds for stock pictures will end up holding the sticky end of Spear’s oral sweetener…

Posted: 8th, January 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink